Friday, May 6, 2011

“DEAD”and “Mission Accomplished” Designs

I uploaded two “OBAMA got OSAMA” designs for T-Shirts so far, and another two designs for the same slogan are in progress. They should be finished by the end of this week.

I adjusted the size for stickers, magnets, and buttons for the same design I uploaded yesterday, and slightly changed the background by removing random scratchy texture, and added the pattern of crayon on charcoal paper with Photoshop. The round background is sheer black now which should look good on magnets and buttons.

I placed the Obama logo on the “O” in “OBAMA” and colored the letters in red and blue, and the target on the “O” in “OSAMA”and colored it in green, and scattered some blood stains on the letters. Also, I put gun fire on the “o” in “got” so it looks like the gun shot on Osama Bin Laden. This is the final product.

I started working on “DEAD” and “Mission Accomplished” now, and have been thinking how to add the American flag and Navy SEALs emblem in my design. When I accidentally looked at the sticker with “Las Vegas U.S.A” in silver letters on the American flag on the shelf in my room, I decided to make “Mission Accomplished, may 1, 2011” in gold letters on American flag.

I came up with the idea of the peace symbol instead of a target on Bin Laden since I wanted to make something different. So I roughly sketched my idea on paper. As I drew the peace symbol, I also drew a big Obama symbol because I suddenly came up with another interesting idea of the raid scene with gun target and Navy SEALs emblem on the big Obama logo. This is my preliminary idea. I'll polish it up later.

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